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created by Joseph M. Peery

Category: Site Updates

  • Pre-New Years Resolutions

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted to this blog. I don’t like that fact very much, so I’m going to change that…right now. I also want to prevent something like this from happening in the future, so here’s some goals moving forward that I want to hold myself accountable for: Since the last post,…

  • Website acquired

    (Originally posted 6/17/2022) is now online! I have been learning HTML and CSS for about a month, writing code in Visual Studio Code and testing it in the browser. I was tempted to use WordPress to just create the website, but I really wanted to create this website from scratch. Although it looks bare-bones…

  • Website WordPress-converted

    Hello. This is a test. Converting most of my website to WordPress for learning purposes. That is all.